08.11.24: World PTC Congress & GBPA 2024

Spezialist/in: Sanjay Sauldie

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EventsKI Schulung KI Seminar KI Unterricht Künstliche Intelligenz Experte


The world is opening up thanks to new digitization features. Internet, e-mail, social media and AI tools like ChatGPT are supporting international communication. Good communication however also need personal introduction and connection. At the PTC WORLD CONGRESS &Best Practices Awards 24 these two worlds come together.

In cooperation with IDC, Messe Frankfurt and over 35 PTC Associations CINET, the International Committee of Professional Textile Care, have invited all the industry stakeholders to meet and participate in an attractive program. This is aimed for building up new international cooperation and business development worldwide.

Key-Presentation by Sanjay Sauldie:

“Transforming the Laundry Industry trough AI Innovation”

AFTERNOON; Round Table Discussions on PTC Key-Topics! TOPICS:

The WORLD CONGRESS is focussing on Business Development in PROFESSIONAL TEXTILE CARE SERVICES by textile cleaners and Launderers around the world. The CONGRESS is bringing PTC professionals together and raising international awareness. Getting to know collegues from other countries, discussing trends, issues and moreover solutions for improved customer services and opportunities, taking away market share of domestic cleaning.

Within this framework CINET presents 6 Round Table Discussions on KEY-Topics for all participants to take home (new) ideas for implementation in your own business. These workshops will be streamed for a worldwide audience of an estimated 25.000 PTC professionals. The moderators assure an active input from professionals present as well as online.

Since COVID, the speed of development of IT solutions for professional cleaning processes, seem to have accelerated. Robotization, Automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as new other innovative processing technologies have been introduced successfully. And, an even more accellerated pace of innovation is expected for the future.

For now the question is what technologies are available and economical to support NEW Business Development and (cost) effective processing for current businesses and NEW Start-UPS. An overview of the most important NEW technologies and their pro’s and con’s for implementation, now or “step by step” in the future.The topics scheduled for this Round table include;

B.1. Artificial Intelligence; a Game changer also for PTC ! by Sanjay Sauldie

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Über den Autor/in:

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Sanjay Sauldie, geboren in Indien, aufgewachsen in Deutschland, studierte Mathematik und Informatik an der Universität Köln, machte seinen Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) an der Universität Salford (Manchester, UK) zum Thema digitale Disruption und digitale Transformation (2017) und wurde am EMERITUS (Singapur) in der MIT-Methode des Design Thinking (2018) ausgebildet. Er ist Direktor des Europäischen Internet Marketing Institutes EIMIA. Ausgezeichnet vom internationalen Weltverband der Webmaster in Los Angeles/USA mit dem Internet-Oscar "Golden Web Award" sowie zweimal mit dem "Innovationspreis der Initiative Mittelstand", ist er einer der gefragtesten europäischen Experten zu den Themen Digitalisierung in Unternehmen und Gesellschaft. In seinen Vorträgen und Seminaren zündet er ein Feuerwerk von Impulsen aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Er schafft es, die komplexe Welt der Digitalisierung in einfachen Worten für jedermann verständlich zu machen. Sanjay Sauldie fesselt seine Zuhörer mit seiner bildhaften Sprache und animiert dazu, die wertvollen Tipps sofort in die Tat umzusetzen - eine echte Bereicherung für jedes Event!
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