Essential oils: Bergamot

Specialist: Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner

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Essential oils: Bergamot

Applications and effects of bergamot oil in aromatherapy

Essential oils are effective tools in aromatherapy that can benefit the body, mind and soul. Bergamot essential oil is extracted from the peel of bergamot (Citrus bergamia) and is one of the most commonly used oils. Its fresh, lemony and slightly peppery aroma not only creates a relaxing atmosphere in the room, but also offers a range of therapeutic benefits.

Origin and method of extraction of bergamot essential oil

The Mediterranean region is the original home of the bergamot, particularly southern Italy, where the shrub is still widespread today. The fruit peel is cold-pressed to extract the oil, preserving the fruit's essential fragrances and active ingredients.

Function of bergamot essential oil in aromatherapy:

Bergamot is a popular aromatherapy ingredient used to promote calm and relaxation. Stress and emotional imbalances can benefit greatly from its relaxing, regulating and mood-enhancing properties.
These are some of the most important areas of application for bergamot oil:

  • Relaxation and stress relief: It is undeniable that bergamot oil calms the nervous system. It relieves tension, anxiety and worry. It can lower cortisol levels in the body, leading to better relaxation, either by inhalation of the aroma or topical application (in diluted form).
  • Mood enhancement: Bergamot is known to lift the mood. The pleasant citrus scent has a calming and revitalising effect at the same time. People who use the oil frequently find relief from sadness, low mood or lack of motivation. Combining it with other essential oils such as ylang-ylang or lavender can enhance the effect.
  • Increasing self-confidence: Bergamot is also used in aromatherapy to increase self-confidence and promote a feeling of inner strength and clarity. The aroma has the power to revitalise the mind and interrupt pessimistic thought processes.
  • Promoting peaceful sleep: Bergamot oil has been shown to be helpful for people with insomnia. It helps to relieve tension and rumination, which calms the mind and promotes deeper, more restful sleep.
  • Skin care and wound healing: Bergamot contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which, in addition to its emotional benefits, make it particularly useful for skin care. It is used for small wounds, inflammations and skin blemishes.

Scientific background information on the effects of bergamot

Numerous studies have shown that bergamot oil can have a significant influence on the central nervous system. It is particularly emphasised that it stimulates the release of dopamine and serotonin. These two neurotransmitters are crucial as they are closely linked to feelings of happiness and general well-being. According to a 2017 study, inhaling bergamot oil can promote feelings of contentment and relaxation while reducing tension.

Applications of bergamot essential oil:

  • Diffusion: A few drops of bergamot oil in a diffuser purify and calm the air. This can be particularly helpful in stressful times or after a hard day's work.
  • Massage oil: Gently massage your body with the oil after diluting it with a carrier oil (e.g. jojoba or almond oil). This cares for your skin and promotes relaxation.
  • Bath additives: A few drops of oil in combination with 2 tablespoons of salt in the bath water can contribute to mental and physical relaxation.
  • Direct inhalation: If you are suffering from extreme tension or worry, you can put a few drops on a handkerchief and then inhale deeply to find relief.

Safety and application instructions

As with other essential oils, it is important to take certain safety precautions. As large quantities of bergamot essential oil can irritate the skin, it should be used in diluted form. It also contains furanocoumarins, which can irritate the skin in combination with sunlight. Bergamot essential oil should therefore only be applied to the skin at night or in combination with sunscreen.
Bergamot oil has numerous applications in aromatherapy. It is a useful aid in everyday life as it reduces stress, improves mood and promotes well-being. Bergamot oil belongs in every essential oil collection as it nourishes the skin, relaxes and brightens the mood.

Try it out and be inspired by the power of this oil!

And have I aroused your interest? Then take Contact with me, or visit me on Instagram. I am at your disposal with help and advice during a free initial consultation. For a successful result, it is important to use pure oils. I have opted for the brand Doterra and if you would like to stock up on essential oils, you are welcome to do so via my shop.

Scientific explanation of the importance of bergamot essential oil

Bergamot essential oil plays an important role in aromatherapy because it has a wide range of effects as well as well-studied properties:

Psychological effects

Bergamot oil is primarily known for its mood-enhancing and anxiety-relieving properties:

- It has an antidepressant effect and can help with emotional lows, sadness and anxiety[1][3].
- Its harmonising effect on body, mind and soul makes it a popular oil for mood swings[2].
- Scientific studies have confirmed the anxiolytic properties[3].

Physical effects

Bergamot essential oil also has many positive effects on the body:

- It has a proven antiseptic and germicidal effect[2][4].
- The oil can have an analgesic effect and was historically used to treat fever and malaria[4].
- It lowers blood pressure and has a calming effect[2][4].

Biochemical basics

The effects can be traced back to certain ingredients:

- Limonene, linalyl acetate and linalool have been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol[7].
- Furocoumarins such as bergapten are responsible for the photosensitising effect[3].


Bergamot oil has many uses in aromatherapy:

- As a room fragrance to create a cheerful atmosphere[3].
- In massage oils for relaxation, especially in combination with other oils such as lavender[3].
- To support depressive moods, especially in the winter months[2].

The long history of research and the diverse, scientifically proven effects make bergamot essential oil an important and well-researched tool in modern aromatherapy.


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About the author:

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Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner is a renowned expert in the field of health. She specialises in promoting professional and personal happiness by developing holistic life concepts. Sauldie-Küffner uses her extensive experience in energy work and aromatherapy to help people reduce stress and live a balanced life. She offers innovative methods such as Reiki treatments and Deep Work techniques aimed at increasing concentration and productivity. Through her work, she has helped many people to lead more fulfilling and happier lives.
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