"Companies that use artificial intelligence will replace companies that don't use it. It's the same with labour. Artificial intelligence will not destroy jobs, but people who use artificial intelligence will replace people who don't use it or don't know how to use it. The development is comparable to reading and writing! In this course, you will learn how to ask AI the right questions to get the best results, because artificial intelligence is only as good as the person operating it!" Sanjay Sauldie
Course schedule for "ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence for SMEs": After purchasing this course, I will contact you to schedule the live online workshop with you and your team.
1. introduction:
- Participants are familiarised with the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in business.
- You will learn what ChatGPT is and how it can be used as part of AI.
- The aim is to create an understanding of how AI and ChatGPT can improve the business practices of SMEs.
2. applications of AI in medium-sized companies:
- Participants will learn how AI is already being used in SMEs to automate processes, analyse data and make decisions.
- Examples from various industries will be presented to illustrate the variety of applications.
- Participants will learn about the benefits that the introduction of AI can have for SMEs.
3 ChatGPT: Functionality and applications:
- Participants will learn how ChatGPT works and how it is trained to mimic human conversations.
- The benefits of using ChatGPT are discussed, such as automating customer support, processing enquiries and improving the customer experience.
- Examples of successful applications of ChatGPT in medium-sized companies are presented.
4. implementation of ChatGPT in medium-sized companies:
- Participants will learn how to implement ChatGPT in their organisation, including how to select a provider, integrate with existing systems and train staff.
- Participants will learn how to ensure that the use of ChatGPT is ethically and legally correct.
- Practical tips for the successful use of ChatGPT are provided.
5. future of AI and ChatGPT:
Participants will gain insights into the future possibilities of AI and ChatGPT.
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