Discover the power of miReiki: an untapped tool for effective leadership


In the age of digital transformation, more and more leaders are discovering the importance of health and wellbeing, not only for themselves but also for their teams. In this context, we offer you a fascinating journey of discovery into the world of Reiki, an ancient Japanese healing art that has the potential to improve your leadership skills and make you more successful. As a result, your effective leadership will be a great benefit not only for you but also for your team.

Reiki - A short introduction

Reiki is a method of energy transfer through the laying on of hands. Originally from Japan, Reiki means "universal life energy". This is the energy that lives and exists in everything. As a leader, Reiki can help you find inner peace and clarity, leading to more effective decision making and better communication.

Why Reiki is relevant for managers

In today's fast-paced business world, managers are often under enormous pressure. They have to fulfil a multitude of requirements while maintaining an overview. Reiki can play an important role here.

Stress reduction and emotional stability

Reiki is known for its ability to reduce stress and promote emotional stability. It can help you keep a clear head when you are overwhelmed by tasks and responsibilities.

Improving the decision-making process

Through Reiki, a leader can make more intuitive and effective decisions. It helps to strengthen the connection to your inner wisdom, which ultimately leads to better business results.

miReiki at Vedaviva: A free introduction

At Vedaviva, we understand the challenges that leaders face today. That's why we offer a free introductory session to discover how Reiki can help you become a stronger person and develop more effective leadership skills.

The advantages of a miReiki session

A Reiki session can help you relax and recharge your energy. It can also help to release emotional blockages and clear your mind, allowing you to lead more effectively.

miReiki for your career

Reiki can help you to reduce stress at work and achieve a better work-life balance. This allows you to achieve more both at work and in your private life.

Take the next step with miReiki

At miReiki we understand the special needs of executives and have therefore developed special Reiki programmes to meet these needs.

Personalised Reiki training

Our personalised Reiki training has been specifically designed to address your individual needs and challenges. We help you to improve your leadership skills with the help of Reiki.

Reiki Master at your side

Our Reiki Masters are here to support you on your journey. They offer personalised support and advice to ensure you get the most out of your Reiki training.

Conclusion: Discover the power of miReiki for effective leadership

Reiki is a powerful tool that can help you improve your leadership skills and become more successful. It's time to discover and utilise this untapped resource. Sign up today for our free taster session and start your journey with Reiki at Vedaviva.


1. is Reiki suitable for everyone?
Yes, Reiki is a safe and natural method that can be learnt and used by anyone, regardless of age or health condition.

2 How can Reiki help with decision-making?
Reiki promotes clarity of mind and intuition, which facilitates decision-making.

3. can I fit Reiki into my hectic schedule?
Yes, Reiki can be practised at any time and in any place. It does not require any special equipment or environment.

4. how long does it take for me to see the benefits of Reiki?
Experiences vary, but many people report immediate relaxation and improved clarity after their first session.

5. do I have to believe in Reiki for it to work?
No, Reiki works regardless of your belief or scepticism. You just need to be open and ready to receive the energy.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Contact or visit Facebook


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