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Optimise the health system digitally (research work 2023)

Specialist: Sanjay Sauldie

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@3D printing @Automation @Big_Data & #Smart_Data @Blockchain @Blog: Digital Business Expert Sauldie @Crowdfunding & #Finances @Cybercrime & #Security @Digital_Branding @Digital_Leadership @Digital_Disruption @Digital_Society @Digital_Marketplaces @Digital_Transformation @Digital marketing (iROI strategy) @Digital Law @drone technology @eCommerce & #Digital_Commerce @Generational Change @HR, #Arbeit & #Teams 4.0 @Industry & #Factory 4.0 @Internet_of_Things @artificial_intelligence @Sustainability and @Environment 4.0 @Nanotechnology @Robot @virtual_reality and @augmented_realitydigitalhealth Healthcare system


In this research paper, I focus on the application of digital technologies to optimise the healthcare system. This strategy combines 24 important key technologies and optimises the interaction of these technologies to help companies improve their processes and meet the challenges of digitalisation.

The 24 technologies brought together by TRANSRUPTION have the potential to revolutionise the healthcare system. By using technologies such as 3D printing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, healthcare processes can be made more efficient and faster. Collaboration between patients and medical professionals can also be facilitated by digital technologies.

Small and medium-sized companies often find it difficult to meet the demands of digitalisation. They often do not have the resources and expertise to successfully utilise the latest technologies. However, the TRANSRUPTION strategy offers these companies in particular an excellent opportunity to exploit the opportunities of digitalisation and improve their business. By bringing together the 24 key technologies, they can optimise processes and meet the challenges of digitalisation.

However, despite the many opportunities offered by digitalisation, there are also numerous risks and challenges. Cybercrime and data protection are just two examples of the dangers associated with the use of digital technologies. Companies, politicians and society must therefore work together to ensure that digitalisation in the healthcare sector is used responsibly and for the benefit of all.

This is where the TRANSRUPTION strategy comes into play. It offers an opportunity to utilise the 24 key technologies of the healthcare system responsibly and for the benefit of all. Companies must actively consider how they can use these technologies to optimise their processes and improve medical care. At the same time, however, they must also ensure that they comply with ethical and legal standards and guarantee the protection of their patients' data.

Small and medium-sized companies can benefit enormously from the TRANSRUPTION strategy. By bringing together the 24 key technologies, they can make their processes more efficient and faster, giving them a competitive advantage. The medical care of their patients can also be improved through the use of digital technologies.

However, in order to utilise these opportunities, companies need to get to grips with the technologies and be clear about which technologies are best suited to them and their customers. They can get support from experts such as Sanjay Sauldie, who helps companies to successfully shape digitalisation with his TRANSRUPTION strategy.

A first step could be for companies to analyse their processes in detail and find out which technologies can help them to optimise them. Targeted training of employees in the use of digital technologies can also help them to make better use of the opportunities offered by digitalisation.

But it's not just about optimising your own processes in the healthcare system. Companies also have a responsibility towards their customers and patients. They must ensure that the use of digital technologies complies with ethical and legal standards and that data protection is guaranteed. It is important that companies inform themselves about the applicable regulations and laws in the healthcare sector and comply with them.

I therefore urge companies to get in touch with Sanjay Sauldie and find out about the possibilities of the TRANSRUPTION strategy in the healthcare system. Sanjay Sauldie offers companies presentations and workshops in which he presents his strategy and works with companies to develop solutions to successfully shape digitalisation in the healthcare sector.

Technology Options for improving THEMA Best practice example
3D printing 3D printing offers the potential to increase the efficiency and quality of medical devices, prostheses and implants by allowing them to be customised and manufactured quickly. The healthcare system is an important part of a functioning society, and one way of using 3D printing in the healthcare system is the personalised production of medical implants, such as those developed by Oxford Performance Materials (Source). The technology enables faster, more precise and more cost-effective production of implants that offer patients a faster and better healing result.
Automation Automation can be used to optimise processes in the healthcare sector, such as automated appointment allocation or automated prescription management. Access to good healthcare is a fundamental human right, and the "Hospital Digitalisation Campaign" from Siemens Healthineers (Source) uses automation to optimise the workflow in hospitals. This includes automated laboratory tests, automated sterilisation processes and intelligent preparation of medical images.
Big Data-Smart Data Big data-smart data can be used more efficiently, for example to improve the effectiveness of treatments or optimise disease prevention. The healthcare system encompasses all areas related to health and illness. The company Flatiron Health (Source) uses big data analyses to improve the treatment success of cancer patients. The company collects and analyses clinical data in order to develop personalised treatment plans for cancer patients.
Blockchain Blockchain technology can be used in the healthcare sector to increase the security and confidentiality of patient data and improve the traceability of medicines and medical devices. The "MediLedger" project from Chronicled (Source) uses blockchain technology to improve the traceability of medicinal products. The technology enables medicines to be tracked precisely from the manufacturer to the consumer, thereby increasing the safety and trustworthiness of medicines.
Crowdfunding and finance 4.0 Crowdfunding can be used to finance innovative medical products or therapies and improve access to healthcare services. The financing of the healthcare system is an important factor for its effectiveness. The company "FundRx" (Source) uses crowdfunding to support the financing of start-ups in the field of healthcare technology. The company enables investors to invest directly in the development of new medical products or therapies and track the progress of these innovations.
Cybercrime and security Security measures, such as the encryption of patient data or the implementation of firewalls, can help to ensure the confidentiality of patient data and prevent attacks by cyber criminals. Digitalisation is changing the healthcare system and offering new opportunities. The company "Protenus" (Source) offers solutions for monitoring patient data and detecting data misuse in the healthcare sector. The technology uses machine learning to recognise anomalies in the use of patient data and thus ensure the protection of patient data confidentiality. Patient safety must be a top priority in the healthcare system.
Digital branding Digital branding can be used to improve the reputation of medical facilities and strengthen patient trust. Healthcare must be needs-based and of high quality. The company "Mayo Clinic" (Source) uses digital branding to strengthen its reputation as a leading medical institution. The "Mayo Clinic Brand" campaign uses social media platforms and digital marketing strategies to increase patient trust and reach.
Digital Leadership Digital leadership can be used to promote a culture of innovation in the healthcare sector and support the introduction of new technologies. Cooperation between conventional medicine and alternative healing methods is important. The company "Cleveland Clinic" (Source) has created a culture of innovation in healthcare by establishing an innovation department that focuses on the introduction of new technologies and the development of new treatment methods. The department works closely with start-ups and other companies to identify and implement innovative solutions in the healthcare sector.
Digital disruption Digital disruption can be used to overcome traditional healthcare models and improve access to healthcare services. The company "ZocDoc" (Source) uses digital disruption to improve access to healthcare services. The platform enables patients to quickly and easily make appointments with doctors and choose the best doctor for their needs. Technology has disrupted the traditional healthcare appointment model and improved access to healthcare services for patients.
Digital society Digital society can be used to improve patient engagement and facilitate access to health information. The company "KRY" (Source) uses digital society to facilitate access to healthcare services. The platform enables patients to carry out medical consultations online in order to improve access to healthcare services and strengthen patient loyalty.
Digital marketplaces Digital marketplaces can be used to facilitate access to healthcare services and promote competition in the healthcare sector. The company "ZocDoc" (Source) uses digital marketplaces to improve access to healthcare services. The platform enables patients to quickly and easily make appointments with doctors and choose the best doctor for their needs. The technology has promoted competition in the healthcare sector and improved access to healthcare services for patients.
Digital transformation The digital transformation can be used to improve efficiency in the healthcare sector and optimise patient care. The quality of healthcare must be ensured through regular evaluations. The company "Teladoc Health" (Source) uses digital transformation to improve efficiency in the healthcare sector and optimise patient care. The platform enables patients to carry out medical consultations online in order to improve access to healthcare services and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector.
Digital marketing Digital marketing can be used to raise awareness of health issues and facilitate access to health information. The company "WebMD" (Source) uses digital marketing to raise awareness of health issues and facilitate access to health information. The platform provides comprehensive information on various health issues and allows patients to consult healthcare professionals online to facilitate access to health information and raise awareness of health issues.
Digital law Digital rights can be used to ensure the security and confidentiality of patient data and to protect patients' rights. Data protection is of particular importance in the healthcare sector. The company "Doximity" (Source) uses digital law to ensure the security and confidentiality of patient data and protect patients' rights. The platform enables healthcare professionals to communicate securely and confidentially and share patient data to ensure optimal patient care and protect patients' rights.
Drone technology Drone technology can be used to improve the transport of medical equipment and emergency care. The company "Zipline" (Source) uses drone technology to improve the transport of medical equipment and emergency care. The drones can transport life-saving medicines and blood supplies quickly and safely to remote areas to improve emergency care and save lives.
eCommerce eCommerce can be used to facilitate access to healthcare services and strengthen patient loyalty. The company "PillPack" (Source) uses eCommerce to facilitate access to healthcare services and strengthen patient loyalty. The platform offers a simple and convenient online service for ordering medicines to improve access to healthcare services and strengthen patient loyalty.
HR, work and teams 4.0 HR, work and Teams 4.0 can be used to improve employee satisfaction and the quality of patient care. The shortage of skilled labour in the healthcare sector is a growing problem. The company "Kaiser Permanente" (Source) utilises HR, Work and Teams 4.0 to improve employee satisfaction and the quality of patient care. The company offers its employees comprehensive health benefits and promotes a culture of collaboration and engagement to improve employee satisfaction and optimise the quality of patient care.
Industry and Factory 4.0 Industry and Factory 4.0 can be used to optimise the production of medical devices and equipment and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. The company "GE Healthcare" (Source) uses Industry and Factory 4.0 to optimise the production of medical devices and equipment and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. The technology enables the company to manufacture medical devices faster and more efficiently in order to improve access to healthcare services and optimise the quality of patient care.
Internet of Things The Internet of Things can be used to optimise patient care and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. The population's health literacy should be strengthened. The company "Proteus Digital Health" (Source) uses the Internet of Things to optimise patient care and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. The technology enables medical professionals to monitor the health of patients in real time, ensuring faster and more precise diagnosis and treatment.
Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence can be used to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. Healthcare policy must develop long-term strategies to overcome the challenges in the healthcare system. The company "IBM Watson Health" (Source) uses artificial intelligence to improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and increase efficiency in the healthcare sector. The technology enables medical professionals to make faster and more precise diagnoses and create personalised treatment plans in order to optimise the quality of patient care.
Sustainability and the environment Sustainability and the environment can be used to organise healthcare in an ecological and sustainable way and to protect the health of patients and the environment. International developments in the healthcare system also have an impact on the German healthcare system. The company "Johnson & Johnson" (Source) utilises sustainability and the environment to make healthcare ecological and sustainable and to protect the health of patients and the environment. The company relies on renewable energy sources, recycles waste and develops sustainable products and packaging in order to protect the environment and the health of patients and the environment.
Nanotechnology Nanotechnology can be used to develop new diagnostic and treatment methods and improve the effectiveness of medicines. Comprehensive healthcare must also take mental illness into account. The company "Nanobiotix" (Source) uses nanotechnology to develop new diagnostic and treatment methods and improve the effectiveness of medicines. The technology makes it possible to target drugs precisely to the site of the disease in order to increase the effectiveness of treatment and minimise side effects.
Robots Robots can be used to increase efficiency in the healthcare sector and optimise patient care. The company "Intuitive Surgical" (Source) uses robots to increase efficiency in the healthcare sector and optimise patient care. The robots are used in minimally invasive surgery and enable medical professionals to operate more precisely and quickly, thereby speeding up patient recovery and optimising patient care.
Virtual and augmented reality Virtual and augmented reality can be used to improve medical training and optimise patient care. The company "Oxford Medical Simulation" (Source) uses virtual and augmented reality to improve medical training and optimise patient care. The technology enables medical professionals to go through realistic simulations of medical situations in order to improve their knowledge and skills and increase the quality of patient care.


Digitalisation offers enormous opportunities for the healthcare system. However, in order to take advantage of these opportunities, companies need to get to grips with the new technologies and master the challenges of digitalisation. This is where Sanjay Sauldie's TRANSRUPTION strategy can help. The strategy combines 24 important key technologies in the healthcare sector and optimises the interaction between these technologies to help companies improve their processes and optimise medical care. Small and medium-sized companies often struggle to meet the demands of digitalisation. However, the TRANSRUPTION strategy also offers these companies a way to exploit the opportunities of digitalisation and gain a competitive advantage. Sanjay Sauldie offers companies presentations and workshops to help them implement the TRANSRUPTION strategy and develop solutions together.

Here are some important web links on the subject of the healthcare system:

  1. Federal Ministry of Health: The Federal Ministry of Health is the central institution of the Federal Government for the health sector. On the website you will find important information and news about the healthcare system in Germany.
  2. National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians: The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians represents the interests of panel doctors and psychotherapists in Germany. On the website you will find information on topics such as billing, care and quality assurance in the healthcare system.
  3. Federal Centre for Health Education: The Federal Centre for Health Education is a specialist agency of the Federal Ministry of Health and is committed to promoting health in Germany. On the website you will find information and materials on various health topics.
  4. Deutscher Ärzteverlag: Deutscher Ärzteverlag is a publishing house specialising in specialist literature in the health sector. On the website you will find information on current topics and publications in the healthcare sector.
  5. German Society for Health Economics: The German Society for Health Economics is a scientific society that specialises in the economic analysis of the healthcare system. On the website you will find information on current research projects and events in the field of health economics.
  6. Institute for Healthcare Improvement: The Institute for Healthcare Improvement is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving healthcare worldwide. On the website you will find information and tools for improving healthcare.
  7. World Health Organisation: The World Health Organization is a specialised agency of the United Nations and is committed to promoting health worldwide. On the website you will find information on current topics and initiatives in the field of health.

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About the author:

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Sanjay Sauldie, born in India, grew up in Germany, studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Cologne, did his Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) at the University of Salford (Manchester, UK) on digital disruption and digital transformation (2017) and was trained at EMERITUS (Singapore) in the MIT method of design thinking (2018). He is Director of the European Internet Marketing Institute EIMIA. Awarded the Internet Oscar "Golden Web Award" by the International World Association of Webmasters in Los Angeles/USA and twice the "Innovation Award of the Initiative Mittelstand", he is one of the most sought-after European experts on the topics of digitalisation in companies and society. In his lectures and seminars, he ignites a firework of impulses from practice for practice. He manages to make the complex world of digitalisation understandable for everyone in simple terms. Sanjay Sauldie captivates his audience with his vivid language and encourages them to put his valuable tips into practice immediately - a real asset to any event!
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