miReiki: the concept of life

Specialist: Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner

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@HealthyLivingConcepts @miReiki @miReiki for managers @Vedaviva#balance #miReiki #Personality strengthening Energy work Guidance


miReiki: the life concept that combines energy work with guidance

Many are looking for comprehensive ways to improve their lives in the challenging field of leadership, which is often characterised by stress and responsibility. The aim is to harmonise personal growth and professional advancement. This is where miReiki comes in, a cutting-edge way of life that combines Reiki, breath yoga, Ayurvedic medicine and aromatherapy.

MiReiki is a contemporary method that aims to balance body, mind and spirit to promote both personal and professional well-being. But what is the principle behind this approach and how can it help you as a family-orientated leader? Find out how miReiki can make your life more balanced and satisfying for you and your family.

MiReiki the concept of life: What is it?

miReiki is not just a combination of various scientifically proven teachings. It is an approach to life that can bring balance to body, mind and soul. The word itself is made up of the terms "mi" (spirit, soul) and "Reiki" (universal life force) and stands for the fusion of several holistic philosophies.

The ability of managers to transform:

Normal daily situations that managers have to overcome have an impact on both their personal and professional lives. This is where miReiki comes in and gives executives the opportunity to bring their lives back into energetic balance. By applying and changing small steps, they will feel that their well-being increases and they can cope better with everyday life with more energy.

The purpose of the miReiki life concept

The miReiki approach to life is based on the fusion of Reiki and other holistic practices and offers executives a powerful way to improve their personal energy and relaxation. It is a form of energy therapy that uses gentle touch and energy transfer to support healing on all levels - physical, mental and spiritual. miReiki can help executives feel more energised and less stressed, increasing their well-being and performance.

If you live with the miReiki concept of life, it enables you to wake up refreshed in the morning, do something good for your body and mind during your lunch break and then work on your projects with renewed vigour and relax in peace at the end of the day. This significantly improves the quality of sleep. Aromatherapy with lavender essential oil is one way to promote relaxation. Lavender oil is known for its calming and sleep-inducing effects and can be used at home or at work to reduce tension and create a peaceful environment.

The miReiki ball: A treatment for restful sleep

As a miReiki master, I envelop the person in an energised soap bubble throughout the night as part of a unique therapy called the miReiki sphere. Positive energy continuously emanates from this bubble, promoting deeper, more peaceful sleep.
I perform a short miReiki treatment to balance the energy centres, the chakras. Deep sleep is promoted and positive energy is released through this bubble, which remains active throughout the night.

In the morning, the soap bubble gradually dissolves so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and full of energy. The energising soap bubble can relieve tension and anxiety and promotes relaxation and sleep. The miReiki ball is an effective technique that promotes healthy sleep and an increased sense of well-being.

What advantages do managers have?

Managers can learn more about their own personality with the help of miReiki. Their self-confidence is strengthened. They gain a greater presence and emotional intelligence through miReiki treatments, which is very beneficial in a leadership position.

Leadership and self-care: an important partnership

Many people are looking for all-encompassing ways to improve their lives in the stressful world of leadership, where stress and pressure often prevail. It's about finding a balance between personal and professional development. This is where the innovative miReiki life concept comes into play, combining the ideas of Ayurveda, breathing yoga, aromatherapy and Reiki.

MiReiki is a contemporary method that aims to balance body, mind and soul in order to increase both professional and personal success. But what is the principle behind this approach and how can it help you as a family-orientated leader? Find out how miReiki can make your life more balanced and satisfying for you and your family.

Register for a free introduction on Vedaviva.com:

The story ends with a call to action, inviting executives who want to learn more about the world of miReiki to sign up for a free get-to-know-you session on Vedaviva.com.

On the way to a balanced life as a manager

The article emphasises that miReiki is a path to inner harmony and not just an idea. As leaders who have chosen this path, they will quickly realise that more success in their career and greater personal fulfilment will follow.

1. what is the core of miReiki?

miReiki is a simple lifestyle that combines the principles of Ayurvedabreathing yoga, aromatherapy and Reiki.

2. how can managers benefit from miReiki?

miReiki strengthens the personality of managers and promotes their energy balance and emotional intelligence.

3. why is it advisable to register on Vedaviva.com?

As leaders, they can expand their miReiki experience and learn more about it by registering for free at Vedaviva.com.

4. how does Reiki into the miReiki concept?

At miReiki, Reiki methods are used to increase energy and achieve a deeper state of mental and emotional balance.

5. is miReiki the life concept exclusively suitable for managers?

No, miReiki is suitable for anyone who strives for a healthy lifestyle and wants to balance body, mind and soul.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Contact or visit Instagram

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About the author:

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Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner is a renowned expert in the field of health. She specialises in promoting professional and personal happiness by developing holistic life concepts. Sauldie-Küffner uses her extensive experience in energy work and aromatherapy to help people reduce stress and live a balanced life. She offers innovative methods such as Reiki treatments and Deep Work techniques aimed at increasing concentration and productivity. Through her work, she has helped many people to lead more fulfilling and happier lives.
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