Parents can support their children with essential oils!

Specialist: Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner

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@HealthyLivingConcepts @miReiki for parents & children @Vedaviva1TP5EssentialOilsForChildren #EparentsGuide #HealthyLearning #Concentration promotion #NaturalChildcare


Parents' guide to essential oils: promoting concentration, calmness and tranquillity in children

Being a parent is one of the most difficult, but also most rewarding jobs in life. Our main goal is to promote the development and well-being of our children in this fast-paced and sometimes stressful environment. One natural approach to promoting the mental and physical health of our children is the use of essential oils. In this article, you will learn how to use oils to promote your child's overall well-being, improve their concentration and create a peaceful atmosphere.

Essential oils: what are they?

Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that hold the key to their therapeutic properties. They have been used for thousands of years in a variety of cultures for therapeutic and medicinal purposes. There are numerous uses for these natural oils to promote health and well-being, especially in children.

Benefits of essential oils for children

Children today struggle with many problems, including stress, anxiety, sleep disorders and difficulty concentrating. Parents can provide a nurturing and restful atmosphere for their children by utilising these natural resources.

Possible applications for more serenity

  • One with Lavender oil filled diffuser can help to create a peaceful atmosphere in the children's room.
  • Before going to bed, a massage with camomile oil can contribute to relaxation and healthy sleep.
  • Applied to the soles of the feet, helps Vetiver oilto alleviate anxiety and reduce restlessness.
  • Essential oils to promote concentration
  • A child's ability to concentrate and absorb information is crucial to their learning progress. Concentration and mental clarity can be promoted by essential oils such as rosemary, lemon and peppermint.

Possible applications for more concentration

  • Peppermint oil is excellent for learning as it promotes mental alertness.
  • Diffusers with lemon oil help to increase concentration and create a supportive learning atmosphere, and there are even schools in Germany where pupils breathe in natural scents such as lemon and lavender during lessons.
    See report in Image of science

Prof Dieter Wabner is an internationally recognised specialist in the therapeutic use of essential oils. He founded the company "WADI-Etheric Oils by Prof. Wabner". This company is dedicated to the development of products for complementary medicine and the distribution of high-quality essential oils that can also help parents to promote the well-being and concentration of their children.
At, we work with you and your child to find unique solutions.
Every child is different and reacts to essential oils in different ways. At we offer you a free platform to get to know each other and find unique solutions for your child. Our specialists will support you in choosing the right essential oils and application techniques for your child's individual needs and circumstances.

Free invitation to find out more about us

We cordially invite you to register for the free trial of register. Find out how the power of essential oils can help you provide a nurturing environment for your child. Find out how you can help your child become more focused and calm by using these natural remedies.


Using essential oils is a fantastic approach to organically promote the growth and well-being of our children. We are happy to accompany you on this journey and look forward to working with you to find the best for you and your children. What could be better than looking into the happy and contented eyes of a child?

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About the author:

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Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner is a renowned expert in the field of health. She specialises in promoting professional and personal happiness by developing holistic life concepts. Sauldie-Küffner uses her extensive experience in energy work and aromatherapy to help people reduce stress and live a balanced life. She offers innovative methods such as Reiki treatments and Deep Work techniques aimed at increasing concentration and productivity. Through her work, she has helped many people to lead more fulfilling and happier lives.
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