Mindful Parenting: Reiki for Parents and Children


Welcome to our blog article on mindful parenting with Reiki for parents and children. As parents, we know only too well how much we care about the well-being of our children. We want to offer them the best possible support and help them realise their full potential. As parents, we sometimes encounter problems such as barriers to learning that confuse us.

How can miReiki help your child through mindful parenting?

What is Reiki?

1. vitality and balance
The alternative healing technique Reiki was developed in Japan. It is based on the idea that life energy (chi) circulates in our body and keeps us alive and in good health. When this energy is disturbed, both emotional and physical problems can occur. With Reiki, this energy can be brought back into balance and obstacles can be removed.

2. relaxation and stress reduction
Young people today are often under intense pressure to succeed, whether in the classroom or in their social environment. Pressure and stress can affect well-being and lead to learning blocks. Reiki has a relaxing effect and promotes relaxation, which can help your child to concentrate and cope better with stress.

Improving your relationship with your child through mindful parenting: the miReiki method

It is important for parents to have a close relationship with their children. Consciously spending time with your child, recognising their needs and responding to them is an example of mindful parenting. The following advice can help you cultivate a mindful parent-child relationship:

1. attentive listening
Spend some time listening carefully to your child when they talk about their experiences or express their feelings. Encourage them to express their worries and happiness by being empathetic and compassionate.

2. co-operation
Take part in routine activities that promote closeness and trust. Such moments strengthen the bond between you and your child, whether it's doing arts and crafts, taking a walk in the park or reading to your child in bed.

How mindful parenting can help your child overcome learning blocks

Learning blocks can have various causes, such as test anxiety, lack of self-confidence or problems with attention.

1. strengthening self-confidence
Positive thought patterns that undermine your child's self-confidence can be eliminated with Reiki. You can use Reiki treatments to encourage your child to develop their talents and believe in themselves.

2. increase in concentration
Concentration can be promoted by the relaxing and balancing effect of Reiki. Your child can concentrate better on their work and overcome learning blocks.


"Mindful parenting" is an approach that focuses on building a loving and conscious relationship with children. It is based on empathy, understanding and respect for children's needs and feelings. Mindful parents avoid authoritarian methods and instead rely on communication to resolve conflicts. They emphasise emotional intelligence and encourage self-regulation in their children. This approach emphasises the importance of presence and active involvement in family life. Mindful parents take time to observe their children and support them in their growth. By strengthening the bond and creating a supportive environment, mindful parenting promotes the well-being and development of children in the long term.

We believe that using miReiki methods in mindful parenting is a fantastic approach to support your child's development. The bond between parents and children is priceless, and Reiki can be a useful tool in fostering this bond and overcoming obstacles as a family.

Answers to frequently asked questions about mindful parenting

1. is miReiki suitable for children?

Yes, miReiki is a child-friendly, safe and sensitive technique. During a Reiki treatment, the child will not experience any negative side effects or discomfort.

2 When can my child receive a Reiki treatment?

Anyone from infants to teenagers can use Reiki. The programme is gentle and age-appropriate.

3. how often should Reiki be used to achieve results?

The number of Reiki sessions your child receives will depend on their specific needs. Whilst some children will see improvements after just a few sessions, others may need a little longer.

4 Does Reiki also work if my child does not believe in it?

Yes, the child's level of belief is not a factor in the effectiveness of Reiki. Regardless of the recipient's beliefs, Reiki is based on the transmission of energy by the Reiki Master.

5 Can Reiki replace medical treatment?

Reiki should not be used in place of medical treatment; it is intended as a complementary therapy. However, it can be a useful tool to overcome both physical and mental difficulties.

We hope that this blog article will help you to gain a better understanding.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Contact or follow me on Facebook.

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