Essential oils: Peppermint

Specialist: Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner

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@Business-Life @HealthyLivingConcepts @miReiki @miReiki for parents & children @miReiki for managers @miReiki for students @Vedaviva PAGE VEDAVIVA#Aromatherapy #H medicine cabinet #Natural remedies #Ppeppermint oil #Well-being


The power of nature:

Peppermint has a very special place in the realm of essential oils. Peppermint essential oil belongs in every medicine cabinet, as it has many medicinal uses and a pure and stimulating aroma. I will go into more detail about peppermint essential oil here and show you how it can benefit both our mental and physical health.

What is peppermint essential oil?

Peppermint oil is a complex essential oil obtained by steam distillation from the aerial parts of the peppermint plant (Mentha x piperita). Its distinctive fragrance and cooling, refreshing effect are due to its high menthol and menthone content. Due to these components, peppermint oil is a widely used ingredient in aromatherapy and naturopathy and is also present in cosmetic products.
Its chemical composition consists mainly of various terpenes and their derivatives. The main components of peppermint oil are

Main components

  • Menthol: At around 45 %, menthol is the main component of peppermint oil. It is responsible for the characteristic cooling effect.
  • Menthone: Makes up approximately 24 % of the oil.
  • Cineole: Also known as eucalyptol, it makes up about 5 % of the oil
  • Menthyl acetate: Forms about 4 % of the oil

Variability of the composition

It is important to note that the exact composition of peppermint oil can vary. Factors such as growing conditions, climate, time of harvest and distillation method can influence the percentage distribution of the ingredients. The complex chemical composition of peppermint oil explains its diverse properties and possible applications in aromatherapy, medicine and the cosmetics industry.

The most important properties and effects

The versatile properties of peppermint essential oil are well known:

  • Refreshing and energising: peppermint oil dispels tiredness, improves concentration and awakens the senses. A few drops in the diffuser or on the temples clear the mind and increase vitality.
  • Pain-relieving: The cooling effect relieves headaches and sore muscles. A light massage with diluted oil relieves tension.
  • Digestion: A drop of peppermint oil in water helps with nausea and flatulence. Ensure the correct dosage and quality.
  • Makes breathing easier: The cooling properties make it easier to breathe with colds. A few drops in an inhaler have a quick soothing effect.

Possible applications for peppermint essential oil

  • Aromatherapy: Peppermint oil revitalises the mind and promotes concentration, ideal for mental exertion. Add a few drops to the diffuser to recharge your batteries.
  • Headaches: Massage one to two drops of diluted peppermint oil into the neck and temples to relieve headaches.
  • Breath freshener: A drop in water refreshes the breath naturally. Only use oils suitable for internal use.
  • Colds: Peppermint oil helps with blocked airways. A few drops on the pillow make it easier to breathe at night.
  • Digestion: Massage the stomach with diluted peppermint oil to relieve cramps and flatulence. Alternatively, a drop in warm water can be used as a tea substitute for stomach problems.

Warnings and exclusion criteria

Even though peppermint essential oil is very useful and adaptable, you still need to use it with caution.

  • Skin compatibility: Due to its high concentration, peppermint oil should always be diluted with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: As peppermint oil can affect the flow of milk, pregnant and breastfeeding women should only take it after consulting a naturopath or doctor.
  • Babies and small children under two years of age should not come into contact with peppermint oil due to possible respiratory problems.

Peppermint essential oil is a true all-rounder and supports both mental and physical well-being. Whether for headaches and digestive problems or as a new source of energy for everyday life - peppermint impresses with its powerful effect. When used and dosed correctly, it can make a great contribution to your own well-being and promote better concentration.
I would be delighted to hear from you if you have any questions about the use of peppermint essential oil.

And have I aroused your interest? Then take Contact with me, or visit me on Instagram. I am at your disposal with help and advice during a free initial consultation. For a successful result, it is important to use pure oils. I have opted for the brand Doterra and if you would like to stock up on essential oils, you are welcome to do so via my shop.

Peppermint essential oil, scientifically explained:

Peppermint oil offers various health benefits in aromatherapy:

Physical effects

  • Pain relief: Peppermint oil can help with headaches and migraines when applied to the temples[1][3]. It has an analgesic effect that can influence pain receptors.
  • Respiratory support: The oil has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, which can be helpful for colds and respiratory complaints[1][2].
  • Digestive support: It can be used to treat gastrointestinal complaints and support digestion[2].
  • Cooling and refreshing: Due to its high menthol content, peppermint oil has a cooling and refreshing effect on the skin[1].

Psychological effects

  • Increased concentration: As the invigorating fragrance has a stimulating effect, it can significantly improve both mental alertness and the ability to concentrate[2][4].
  • Stress reduction: Although stimulating, peppermint oil can paradoxically also help to reduce stress by providing mental clarity[2].
  • Mood enhancement: The fresh scent can have a positive effect on mood and help to alleviate frustration[4].

Possible applications

  • Inhalation to improve concentration or for respiratory complaints
  • Topical application (highly diluted) for pain relief and relaxation
  • Room fragrancing to create a fresh and revitalising atmosphere
  • As an additive in massage oils or baths

It is important to note that peppermint essential oil is very concentrated and strongly scented and must therefore always be diluted before application to the skin to avoid skin irritation or other adverse reactions


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About the author:

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Rita Anna Sauldie-Küffner is a renowned expert in the field of health. She specialises in promoting professional and personal happiness by developing holistic life concepts. Sauldie-Küffner uses her extensive experience in energy work and aromatherapy to help people reduce stress and live a balanced life. She offers innovative methods such as Reiki treatments and Deep Work techniques aimed at increasing concentration and productivity. Through her work, she has helped many people to lead more fulfilling and happier lives.
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