Let me coach your company into the digital world with respect, decency and expertise - with a globally unique digital toolbox

Transruption is a digital toolbox that doesn't just focus on one key technology, but combines the individual components of digitalisation in a new way. In a Transruption coaching session, you will find out which technologies make sense for you and how you can overtake all your competitors by combining them and thus emerge as a winner from digitalisation.

Digital technologies have a significant impact on everyday life in business and society. Businesses cannot escape this change and are called upon to be attentive and to All the essential elements of digitalisation without getting bogged down!

If important aspects of digitalisation are not taken into account in a company's strategy, sudden and unexpected changes can occur, such as falling turnover or even the demise of a company. We have experienced this in the past with Kodak or Quelle, for example. Other examples are Nokia and Neckermann.

Such former giants of our economy have gone under almost overnight because they failed to recognise the signs of the times and did not attach the necessary importance to digital change. To prevent this from happening to you, we have developed TRANSRUPTION, which allows you to select the technologies you need to get ahead at an early stage.

With best regards,
Sanjay Sauldie, MSc.
Developer of the TRANSRUPTION digital toolbox

The knowledge of over 24 top trend topics in the digital world combined in one personality:
The portfolio for the digital winners of tomorrow

My mission:

Are you planning one or more projects in the field of digitalisation and are looking for an experienced, strategically oriented coach who can build a powerful digital team from your employees and expand their digital IQ to all digitalisation topics so that you can achieve your digital goals faster?

Experience the digitalisation of your company with passion, enthusiasm and appreciation for your employees and managers! Over 400 references worldwide speak for themselves! I make sure that you can implement digitalisation sensibly and strategically and are thus optimally positioned in the long term - internally and externally!

My values:

  • To share valuable, realisable impulses with you and your teams and to discover and develop new digital opportunities for you.
  • Awaken motivation and enthusiasm for digitalisation in your company: Value-orientated and in a very understandable way, so that everyone is taken on board.
  • Indian enthusiasm meets German thoroughness, Swiss precision and Austrian charm and esprit: up-to-date, neutral and appreciative.

All topics relating to digitalisation - 1 contact person

I have already done all the work for you: I keep my knowledge up to date in the field of digitalisation and pass it on to you in a distilled form, individually adapted to your company and your industry. This saves you time and money because you only have one contact person and benefit from the reliability of my sources.

transruption® is a digital toolbox that combines the individual components of digital marketing in a new way.

transruption®: A unique offer worldwide:

Test my know-how and practical experience now: Ask me your 3 most burning questions about your business and you will receive the individual answers completely free of charge!

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