Update: How students overcome their exam nerves


How students find better concentration

Test anxiety is a silent thief that often breaks into the chambers of our mind unnoticed. It steals the clarity of our thoughts and leaves behind a chaos of doubts and uncertainties. During these times when stress is at its peak, many students are looking for a beacon to guide them. miReiki enters your life right here to support you and guide you through the exam.

Exams are an inevitable challenge on your educational journey. They not only test your knowledge and skills, but also your ability to perform under pressure. The good news is that you are not alone. As the inventor of miReiki, I have developed a method that aims to reduce exam anxiety and improve concentration.

miReiki is a synergistic combination of the ancient wisdom of Reiki, Ayurveda, yoga and aromatherapy. This holistic practice is designed to harmonise body, mind and spirit. Through remote sessions designed specifically for students, miReiki provides energy support that reduces nervousness and promotes concentration.

The Exam anxiety can take many forms:

A fluttering pulse, clammy hands, a racing mind. It can make you feel blocked at crucial moments. This is where miReiki comes in to calm your nerves and help you focus better. With remote sessions designed specifically for you students, miReiki offers energy support. This support works on the energetic pathways of your body and can reduce nervousness and improve concentration. You can achieve a deeper relaxation before the exam, allowing you to focus on what is important: Your knowledge and skills.

The advantages of miReiki are manifold. Better concentration can help you to understand the exam questions more clearly and formulate suitable answers. By reducing nervousness, you can organise your thoughts and approach the tasks logically. This is not a magic formula, but a proven method that helps you to find your inner peace and strength.

Let's create a plan together to guide you through this challenging time. MiReiki offers you a space of calm where you can prepare for your exams. If you feel that exam anxiety is overwhelming you, I encourage you to get in touch with me. Let's find a way together to give you the support you need.

I invite you to become a part of the miReiki community, a community based on mutual support and growth. Whether you are preparing for an exam or simply looking for ways to improve your daily focus, miReiki is here to help you.

With miReiki you will discover a new level of preparation that goes far beyond memorisation and hours of study. You will learn how to surround yourself with positive energy that will support you in every aspect of your life - not just during exams.

For more information about miReiki and how it can help you overcome exam anxiety, contacted me please, or visit my Instagram. Together we can develop a plan to help you achieve your goals and realise your full potential.

Yours sincerely, Rita Anna

Test anxiety scientifically explained:

In recent years, science has gained important insights into test anxiety that have deepened our understanding of this widespread phenomenon.

Exam anxiety affects around 15 to 30 per cent of pupils and students and can have a significant impact on their academic performance[2]. For a long time, it was assumed that the main cause of poorer exam results in anxious individuals was the acute stressful situation during the exam itself. However, more recent research shows that the problems start much earlier.

Study by the Leibniz Institute for Human Development

A study by the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education examined medical students during their preparation for the second state examination. The results were revealing: students with higher levels of exam anxiety not only performed worse in the actual exam, but also showed lower performance in practice tests and control questions during the learning phase[2]. This indicates that exam anxiety impairs the learning process itself and leads to a lower increase in knowledge.

The researchers suspect that worries about the outcome of the exam already have a negative impact on performance during preparation. This can lead to a vicious circle: Poor results in practice tests increase anxiety, which in turn further reduces learning effectiveness[2].

Scientists have investigated various strategies to combat exam anxiety. One promising method is writing about your feelings before an exam. Psychologists such as Sian Beilock and Gerardo Ramirez have shown that this simple technique can help examinees to free themselves from negative emotions and improve their performance[3].

Other scientifically based approaches to overcoming exam anxiety include

1. visualisation techniques: Mentally playing through success scenarios can boost confidence[4].

2. cognitive restructuring: replacing negative thought patterns with more positive, realistic judgements[4][5].

3. relaxation techniques: Methods such as progressive muscle relaxation or meditation can reduce stress[5].

4. optimising learning strategies: effective learning methods can boost self-confidence and reduce anxiety[4][5].

5. physical activity: regular exercise can reduce stress and improve cognitive performance[5].

Research shows that exam anxiety is a complex phenomenon that goes far beyond the acute exam situation. A holistic approach that considers both the cognitive and emotional levels appears to be the most promising for overcoming this challenge. Future studies are likely to provide further insights into the mechanisms of test anxiety and develop new, evidence-based intervention strategies.

[1] https://www.studieren.at/krisen-im-studium/pruefungsangst/
[2] https://www.spektrum.de/news/pruefungsangst-stoert-schon-beim-lernen/2094510
[3] https://www.spektrum.de/news/schreiben-gegen-die-pruefungsangst/1060273
[4] https://www.studysmarter.de/magazine/pruefungsangst-ueberwinden-tipps/
[5] https://www.barmer.de/gesundheit-verstehen/psyche/psychische-gesundheit/pruefungsangst-1124374


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