What does resilience mean for managers?
The ability to maintain stability and functionality even under difficult circumstances is known as resilience. For managers, this means remaining calm, making decisions and inspiring the group under stress. However, this mental strength can only be built up through conscious methods and targeted self-care, as it does not develop on its own.
A healthy balance between emotional stability, physical health and mental clarity is a hallmark of a resilient leader. This balance is not only critical to your own performance, but also has a direct impact on the success of your team. By making your personal health and wellbeing a top priority, you not only lay the foundation for long-term resilience, but also encourage your team to be more resilient. It is crucial to recognise resilience as an important skill. In the following sections, I will look at what resilience means for leaders in particular and how you can build it in specific ways.
1. self-reflection and mindfulness: the cornerstones of resilience
The foundation of mental strength is mindfulness. You can improve your ability by listening to your needs and taking specific actions to reduce stress and by stopping frequently to reflect. Simple everyday practices can be used to teach mindfulness:
- Meditation: A quick, regular meditation practice can help you to reduce stress and calm your mind.
- Keep a diary: at the end of each day, list three things you are grateful for, an obstacle you overcame and how you overcame it. This introspection will strengthen your knowledge of your achievements and the areas where you still have room for improvement.
2. miReiki: mental and physical strength for managers
miReiki is a comprehensive coaching approach based on energy balancing, inner harmony and mental strength. miReiki helps leaders overcome obstacles and increase their resilience by combining energy work, physical relaxation, mental training and working with essential oils.
Components of coaching with miReiki:
- Deep relaxation and lasting regeneration: miReiki treatments help you reach a state of calm more quickly and at the same time recharge your batteries to revitalise your leadership skills.
- Clear mind: Methods such as breathing exercises and visualisation help you to maintain attention and goal orientation and at the same time promote mental clarity.
- Emotional stability: You will become calmer and more balanced overall by learning to let go of unpleasant emotions such as fear and frustration through the use of energy points and chakras.
- Physical energy: Yoga exercises help you to relax and recharge your batteries so that you can work effectively even under pressure.
3. aromatherapy: calming and stimulating for your daily tasks
Aromatherapy is an effective way to lift your mood and emotions. Essential oils can help you stay strong and mentally focussed, as well as having a calming or revitalising effect. Managers can strengthen their resilience with the following oils:
- Lavender: Reduces tension and calms the mind, making it perfect for stressful situations or before making difficult decisions.
- Lemon and rosemary: promote concentration and clarity, making them ideal for meetings or periods of intense work.
- Peppermint: ideal for times when you feel exhausted as it stimulates the mind and increases energy levels.
To utilise the beneficial effects of these oils at any time, you can use them as a roll-on treatment or in a diffuser at your workplace.
4. establish healthy routines: Bring consistency into your everyday life
Regular rituals and routines provide structure and security. A well-organised daily routine promotes well-being and makes it easier to plan your day clearly. Integrate simple routines into your everyday life:
- Morning ritual: Start your day with a short meditation, a healthy breakfast and a clear focus on your goals for the day.
- Exercise breaks: Just 5 minutes of exercise per hour helps to reduce stress and improve your resilience. Yoga and breathing exercises are particularly effective here.
- Evening ritual: A routine before going to bed, such as reading an inspiring book or doing a short breathing exercise with an essential oil, helps you to wind down at the end of the day and fall asleep peacefully.
5. focus on personal strengths and vision
Resilient managers know their values, goals and strengths inside out. They have a clear vision that gives them direction even in challenging times. Working on this vision and being aware of their strengths boosts self-confidence and resilience.
Here are some ways you can strengthen your vision:
- Regular goal reflection: Take time each month to reflect on your goals. Think about what has gone well so far and in which areas you may need to make adjustments in order to make even more effective progress.
- Positive self-talk: Focus on your past successes and remind yourself of your strengths and abilities. In this way, you will not only reduce self-doubt, but also strengthen your confidence in your leadership qualities and personal expertise.
Resilience for managers
Mental strength and resilience can be learnt and specifically promoted through techniques such as mindfulness, miReiki coaching and aromatherapy. Now you know what resilience means for you as a manager and what impact it can have on your success. You know how to make yourself more resilient to the challenges of professional life by being more mindful of yourself, establishing healthy routines and thus cultivating your personal strengths. Working on your resilience is an investment in your personal and professional future - and a valuable step towards leading your team safely and successfully. HAm I arousing your interest in how you as a manager can strengthen your team? I would be happy to come to your company and hold a resilience workshop. Then take Contact with me or visit me at Instagram. I am at your disposal with help and advice during a free initial consultation.
The importance of resilience for managers scientifically explained.
Resilience for managers refers to the ability to deal effectively with stress, challenges and changes in a professional context while remaining productive and motivated. Scientific findings show that resilience in managers encompasses several important aspects:
Neurobiological basics
Resilience is based on neuroplastic processes in the brain. Studies show that resilient managers exhibit increased activity in prefrontal cortex areas, which are responsible for emotion regulation and decision-making[1]. This enables them to act rationally even under stress.
Psychological components
Scientists have identified the following psychological factors as central to resilience in managers:
- Self-awareness: The ability to recognise and control one's own stress patterns and emotional reactions[2].
- Optimism and solution-orientation: A positive attitude that makes it possible to recognise opportunities even in difficult situations[2].
- Adaptability: The ability to adapt flexibly to new circumstances[2].
Physiological effects
Resilient managers show improved stress regulation on a physiological level. Studies show that they develop up to 40 % fewer burnout symptoms[2]. This manifests itself in a lower activation of the stress axis (HPA axis) and a more balanced cortisol level.
Social dimension
The social component plays an important role in resilience:
- Social competence: Building and maintaining stable social networks is crucial. 90 % of successful managers can rely on a strong social network[2].
- Role model function: Resilient managers inspire their teams and promote a positive working atmosphere. This leads to up to 20 % higher satisfaction levels among employees[2].
Organisational effects
The resilience of managers has measurable effects at organisational level.
- Improved decision-making: Resilient managers are able to make clear and well-considered decisions even under pressure because they are able to utilise their mental strength and emotional
Targeted use of stability[2]. - Higher employee retention: Teams led by resilient leaders benefit from a more stable working atmosphere, reducing turnover by up to 20 %[2].
- Reduced sickness absence: Thanks to their inner strength and effective stress management, resilient managers are up to 30 % less affected by stress-related illnesses, which has a positive impact on their health and productivity[2].
Development and training
Resilience is not an innate characteristic, but can be developed in a targeted manner. Scientific studies recommend the following approaches:
- Mindfulness-based interventions that help to promote self-regulation and at the same time strengthen inner balance.
- Cognitive-behavioural techniques that help to build positive thought patterns and thereby consolidate mental strength.
- Social support systems and mentoring programmes that create a stable network through exchange and cooperation.
It can be said that resilience for managers is a multidimensional competence that offers both individual and organisational benefits. It enables managers to operate successfully in an increasingly complex and volatile working environment and to lead their teams effectively through challenges.
[1] https://techminds.de/magazin/resilienz-fuehrungskraefte/
[2] https://skolawork.de/2024/09/25/resilienz-von-fuehrungskraeften-der-schluessel-zu-langfristigem-erfolg-in-der-modernen-arbeitswelt/
[3] https://www.culcha.com/blog/resilienz-fuehrungskraft-oder-resiliente-fuehrung
[4] https://www.haufe-akademie.de/blog/themen/fuehrung-und-leadership/achtsamkeit-und-resilienz-fuer-fuehrungskraefte/
[5] https://wirtschaftspsychologie-rhein-ruhr.de/2017/12/01/6-bestandteile-eines-resilienten-fuehrungsstils/
[6] https://www.uni-wuerzburg.de/fileadmin/32500600/Neubaukirche/Rummel_2010_in_Rigotti_u.a.__Fuehrung_unter_Stress._Resilienz_aufbauen.pdf
[7] https://www.huebner-development.com/blog/was-ist-resilienz
[8] https://www.personio.de/hr-lexikon/resilienz-bedeutung/