"you notice how much knowledge and expertise he has on the subject": Jakob Jörke, student at the International University

Specialist: Sanjay

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"All the content of the lecture is full of valuable knowledge and underpinned with interesting practical examples. The lecture is very understandable and everything seems to be very well thought out and worked out. The lecture style is also very pleasant and you can tell how much knowledge and expertise he has on the subject."

Jakob Jörke

ChatGPT course with Sanjay Sauldie: The game changer for companies

"Companies that use artificial intelligence will replace companies that don't use it. It's the same with labour. Artificial intelligence will not destroy jobs, but people who use artificial intelligence will replace people who don't use it or don't know how to use it. The development is comparable to reading and writing! In this course, you will learn how to ask AI the right questions so that you get the best results, because artificial intelligence is only as good as the person operating it!"

Sanjay Sauldie

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