Marketing is generally aimed at publicising products or companies and making them popular with potential customers. The ultimate goal is to win customers, retain customers and maximise turnover through sales and/or orders. However, this approach is not possible in politics, as parties are generally regarded as non-profit organisations. Political advertising, election campaign management and political marketing on the Internet do not aim to make a profit and are generally not allowed to do so. Nevertheless, political marketing is subject to the same laws as marketing in other areas. However, the objectives are very similar to those pursued by a company.
Politics is a market in which your skills as a leader are on sale. That is why it is important to boost this market during the crisis of democracy. Election campaign management, political marketing on the Internet and political advertising are designed to enable you to assert yourself against other politicians and parties and win a kind of popularity contest with voters.
In order for your election campaign management, your political marketing on the Internet and your political advertising to be possible to an appropriate extent at all, you only have the option of paying for the necessary resources and measures out of your own pocket or obtaining them through donations and subsidies. In the crisis of democracy, it is neither easily possible nor even sensible to pursue political marketing with financial goals. Even if this were possible, it is not conducive to leading politics out of the crisis of democracy. If your political marketing were aimed at generating profits, this would completely jeopardise your intentions.
Politicians and parties have to be there for the citizens, the people and the state instead of enriching themselves. By acting in this way, you could simply be accused of extreme and inexcusable misbehaviour that destroys the trust of citizens in the sense that if your campaign management, your political advertising and your political marketing on the Internet were already profit-oriented, the question would arise as to how much you would line your own pockets after a successful election instead of standing up for the interests of the citizens.
This is definitely not the way out of the crisis of democracy. But conversely, you should remember that successful political marketing ultimately leads to successes that also benefit you. Successful election campaign management, successful political advertising and successful political marketing on the Internet lead to increasing popularity among voters. Last but not least, this will also provide you with the financial support you need for your campaigns. At the very end of a successful political marketing campaign, you and your party can look forward to election victories.
This will give you the chance to put your election promises into practice and lead Germany out of the crisis of democracy. As you have a lot of responsibility at the peak of a successful political career, you will also be rewarded with a corresponding salary for your honest and successful endeavours to serve the people. This is how your selfless work pays off the most for everyone and benefits the general public to a large extent.