Thank you Germany: Part 059: Widespread support for solar energy

Specialist: Sanjay Sauldie

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@Thanks_Germany > Series#investment Attachments Solar energy Subsidies


The development of renewable energies is not only one of the most important tasks in Germany. The renewal of the energy industry towards sustainable production that consciously conserves the planet's resources is one of the most urgent tasks worldwide. Germany is doing important work in this area. The country supports both wind power and solar energy. Photovoltaic systems are used to utilise the sun to generate electricity.

German industry has made significant progress in the technical development of these systems. But the use of solar energy is also politically and socially important. Many public institutions have solar installations on their roofs. And many private households also use the space on their roofs specifically to generate electricity. There is a reason why not only high-income households can afford this. Firstly, the German industry has ensured that the systems can already be purchased at an affordable price.

Over the years, so much electricity is quickly saved that the costs for the purchase and installation of such systems can be recouped. On the other hand, there have always been and still are subsidies for the use of such systems in Germany. The generation of electricity from solar energy is specifically subsidised in Germany. Such an economic policy does not exist in every country. Some industrialised countries even deny climate change. Germany, on the other hand, has long since realised that there is a task in the field of energy production in which all countries worldwide must assume their own responsibility. Germany is assuming this responsibility with an ecologically sustainable economic policy.

In Germany, the production of sustainable energy is specifically subsidised by the state. People who have a strong environmental awareness and want to contribute to the preservation of the planet can be proud of this. However, this type of renewable energy is also beneficial for every thrifty person. In contrast to the power socket, electricity from the sky costs nothing. Once the systems are installed on the roof, they can successfully produce electricity for many years. Technical developments in this area of energy generation have made great progress in recent years. Thanks to new devices, much more electricity can now be generated on the roof of a house than was possible before the turn of the century.

This is one of the reasons why so many homes have opted for the systems. Today, they are a good financial investment. It is also thanks to the German energy industry and research by German universities that this technical development has been possible. Together, they have made an important contribution to the global generation of electricity from sunlight. This development benefits not only Germany, but also many other countries, where the systems provide countries and inhabitants of ecologically sustainable architecture with sustainable electricity generation. You simply have to love Germany for its special research and its responsible energy policy. Ecological awareness and economically sustainable action consciously pull together here and ensure that electricity is generated in a way that conserves resources.

The entire planet Earth benefits from this. And the Germans can be very proud of this. The country is admired for this in many countries around the world.

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About the author:

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Sanjay Sauldie, born in India, grew up in Germany, studied mathematics and computer science at the University of Cologne, did his Master of Sciences (M.Sc.) at the University of Salford (Manchester, UK) on digital disruption and digital transformation (2017) and was trained at EMERITUS (Singapore) in the MIT method of design thinking (2018). He is Director of the European Internet Marketing Institute EIMIA. Awarded the Internet Oscar "Golden Web Award" by the International World Association of Webmasters in Los Angeles/USA and twice the "Innovation Award of the Initiative Mittelstand", he is one of the most sought-after European experts on the topics of digitalisation in companies and society. In his lectures and seminars, he ignites a firework of impulses from practice for practice. He manages to make the complex world of digitalisation understandable for everyone in simple terms. Sanjay Sauldie captivates his audience with his vivid language and encourages them to put his valuable tips into practice immediately - a real asset to any event!
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