What causes burnout in ourselves?


Burnout is a state of extreme physical, mental and emotional exhaustion that is triggered by prolonged periods of high stress. But what are the basic reasons that lead us to burnout? Often it is inner Driver, that we developed as children and that influence our behaviour as adults. These motivators, which include "try hard", "be strong" and "be perfect", can inadvertently drive us to the brink of fatigue. In this blog article, we look at the factors that contribute to burnout and present strategies for prevention.

Inner motivators and their consequences

Be strong

The inner drive "Be strong" instructs us to keep our emotions under control and present a façade of strength. This way of thinking can lead to us losing our emotional sensitivity and no longer paying attention to important physical signals. Suppressing emotions can lead to health and mental health problems over time. We can protect ourselves from the harmful consequences of this driver by developing the ability to recognise and accept our feelings.

Be perfect

There can be a lot of pressure to strive for perfection and set high standards in every aspect of life. Perfectionism often leads to a never-ending feeling of dissatisfaction and inadequacy. Our mental health can suffer from this self-criticism, which can eventually lead to burnout. It is important to set yourself reasonable goals and admit your own mistakes and weaknesses.

Make an effort

The inner drive to "try hard" pushes us to do our best and work as hard as we can. This can lead to us overexerting ourselves and neglecting our own needs. When you're constantly overworked, there's little time for relaxation and self-care, which increases the risk of burnout. To be productive in the long term, a good work-life balance and frequent holidays are essential.

How can we counteract these driving forces?
Practise mindfulness:

Mindfulness enables us to become aware of our thoughts and feelings and to live in the present. This makes it easier for us to recognise when our inner impulses are taking control of us and to act quickly to stop them.

Develop self-compassion:

By learning to treat ourselves with kindness and understanding, we can reduce the pressure to be perfect and give ourselves a break.

Set healthy boundaries:

Set yourself healthy boundaries to avoid overwork and ensure that you have enough time for leisure and personal interests. This is the only way to protect yourself from burnout

Get support:

By talking to friends, family or a therapist, you can review your own behavioural patterns and discover new mechanisms for coping with stress.

Use miReiki:

miReiki offers a gentle way to reduce stress and regain inner balance. Working energetically promotes physical and mental well-being, which helps to reduce the negative effects of inner drivers.

Use aromatherapy:

The use of essential oils can help to relieve stress and promote relaxation. Fragrances such as lavender, camomile and bergamot have calming properties and can help to reduce the stress caused by perfectionism and constant pressure.

Early realisations about deep-seated inner motivations often lead to burnout. We can increase our well-being and avoid burnout if we are aware of these processes and proactively counteract them. It's never too late to change your habits and rediscover who you are.

Get in touch with me Vedaviva to find out more about our miReiki treatments, which have been personally developed for you. You will learn how we can support you in finding your self-care again. We put you at the centre of everything!

Your health should come first, and miReiki will give you peace of mind. I am here for you.

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